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Paula Beever joined Victoria University of Technology, as an Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Centre for Environmental Safety and Risk Engineering.  She took up the role of Course Director for both the existing Graduate Diploma in Building Fire Safety and Risk Engineering, and also for the new Graduate Certificate in Performance - Based Building and Fire Codes.  This role involved the development and implementation of the courses as well as teaching students on practical aspects of fire safety engineering, and on the changing role of the approval authorities associated with performance - based codes in Australia.  

She also ran a series of 1 - week short courses on fire safety engineering, offered nationally within Australia, which raised awareness of current trends in well over 100 participants in 1997.  She also gave short courses in Hong Kong and in China, the latter at the invitation of the British Council.

She rapidly became involved with projects associated with the work of the Fire Code Reform Centre (FCRC) Limited and was invited to present conference papers of behalf of FCRC at international conferences.  She was invited to take leadership of FCRC Project 3  - Fire Resistance and Non - Combustibility - in November of 1996 and also contributed to FCRC Project on shopping centre fire safety, Project 4 on fire safety in apartment buildings and Project 5 on the drafting of a Fire Safety Design Code. 

She also undertook leadership of a project sponsored by the Building Control Commission of Victoria to study cost - effective improvements in fire safety for dwellings.

In her time at VUT Paula Beever supervised two PhD students.

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